If you are new to electronics or starting to build electronic circuits, then the important thing to do is to get familiar with few Basic Electronic Components and Equipment. Without understanding these basic electronic components i.e. their values, ratings, purpose etc. your circuit design might not function as expected. There are many electronic components like Resistors, Capacitors, LEDs, Transistors, etc. and there are also many equipment like a Power Supply, Oscilloscope, Function Generator (or Signal Generator), Multimeter, etc.
In this tutorial, you can get a brief overview of few of the most common basic electronic components. You can easily understand the concept if I divide this tutorial in to Basic Electronic Components and Measurement and Analysis Equipment. So, first, I’ll start with the basic electronic components.

1.1    Basic Electronic Components
There are many ways to classify different types of electronic components but the most common way is to classify them in to three types: Active Electronic Components, Passive Electronic Components and Electromechanical Components.
1.2    Active Electronic Components
Strictly speaking in terms of Physics, an Active Component is a device that acts as a source of energy, like a battery. But the definition of Active Components according to few electronic engineers is that they are the devices that depend on a source of energy and can introduce power in to a circuit.
Active Electronic Components can control the flow of electrons through them. Some of the commonly used Active Components are Transistors, Diodes, ICs (Integrated Circuits), Power Sources (Batteries, AC and DC Power Supplies), etc.
1.3    Diodes
Diode is a non-linear semiconductor device that allows flow of current in one direction. A Diode is a two – terminal device and the two terminals are Anode and Cathode respectively. The following is the symbol of a Diode.
There are again a variety of components that come under the category of Diodes. They are PN Junction Diode, Light Emitting Diode (LED), Zener Diode, Schottky Diode, Photodiode and DIAC.
Normal PN Diodes are often used in AC to DC Converter circuits. You might be familiar with LED or a Light Emitting Diode. It is a semiconductor device (or a PN Junction diode, to be more specific) that emits light when activated.
A Zener Diode allows flow of current in both directions and is often used as a voltage stabilizer. Schottky Diode is similar to a regular PN Diode but with less forward current and hence is often used in fast switching circuits. 
1.4     Transistors
Transistor, the invention that changed the future of electronic circuits, is a semiconductor device that can be used to either switch electrical power or amplify electronic signals.
A Transistor is a 3 terminal device that can either act as a current controlled device or a voltage controlled device. Transistors are further classified in to Bipolar Junction Transistors (BJT) and Field Effect Transistors (FET).
A Bipolar Junction Transistor or BJT uses both the charge carriers i.e. electrons and holes and is often used as a current amplifier. Based on the construction, BJTs are further divided in to NPN and PNP Transistors.
Field Effect Transistor or FET uses only a single charge carrier. Junction FET (JFET) and Metal Oxide Semiconductor FET (MOSFET) are the two types of FETs. 
More information on TRANSISTORS.
Based on the construction of the FETs, they are divided in to two types: N – Channel and P – Channel. MOSFETs are commonly used in power supplies, Audio circuits and other power electronic applications.
The combination of N – Channel MOSFET and P – Channel MOSFET, which is called Complimentary Metal – oxide Semiconductor (CMOS) is a very common digital logic in the manufacturing of microprocessors, microcontrollers, Memory modules and other VLSI (Very Large Scale Integration) Integrated Circuits (IC).
1.5     Integrated Circuits (ICs)
An Integrated Circuit or an IC is an integration or incorporation of several electronic components (mainly transistors) on a single device (or chip) made up of a semiconductor material (usually Silicon).
Almost all electronic devices like TVs, Mobile Phones, Laptops, Audio Players, Routers, etc. have Integrated Circuit in them.
ICs are again divided in to Analog ICs and Digital ICs. Analog ICs work on Analog Signals like Temperature, Audio, etc. which are continuously varying in nature. Digital ICs on the other hand, work on Discrete Signals i.e. zero volts and a non-zero volts (like 5V or 3.3V) that are represented as Binary 0 and 1.
The commonly used IC in basic electronic circuits are Op – Amps (Operational Amplifiers) like LM741, Timers like NE555, Microcontrollers like AT89S52, Counters like CD4017 and Motor Drivers like L293D.

1.5     Passive Components
Passive Components cannot control the flow of current through them i.e. they cannot introduce energy in to the circuit but can increase or decrease voltage and current.
Two terminal components like Resistors, Capacitors, Inductors and transformers are examples of Passive Components.
1.7     Resistors
The basic of all electronic components are the Resistors. It is a passive electronic components that introduces electrical resistance in to the circuit. Using resistors, we can reduce the current, divide voltages, setup biasing of transistors (or other active elements), etc.
Resistors are again divided in to Fixed Resistors and Variable Resistors. Fixed Resistors, as the name suggests, have a fixed resistance and its resistance doesn’t change due to external parameters. 
Resistor is basic component that is used in all the electronic circuits. It is a passive element that resists the flow of electrons. Thus it allows only certain amount of current to pass through it. Remaining current is converted into heat.
The working principle of bulb is that electricity is passed through the filament usually tungsten, which is a resistor. The energy is converted to and released as light and heat.
Resistor Symbols
Generally there are two standards that are used to denote the symbol of a resistor viz.Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) and International Electro Technical Commissions (IEC).
The IEEE symbol of resistor is a zigzag line as shown in the below figure.
Resistor IEEE Symbol
The IEC symbol
Resistor IEC Symbol
Why is a resistor used in a circuit?
Let us take an example to answer this question.
·                        Consider an LED connected to a battery of 9V. Assume the Forward current of the LED is 3mA.
·                        If a resistor is connected between the Led and battery the Led will glow.
·                        If there is no resistor in between LED and battery, Led will glow but after some time it heats up enormously. This is because of the more current (>30 mA) Passing through the LED.
·                        Thus Resistor is necessary to control the current flow.
·                        Resistor used in the circuit can be used for many purposes. For example to adjust the voltage levels, to provide biasing to active components, for dividing the voltage levels etc.
What is a resistor made out of?
·                        Resistors are made of ceramic rods coated with a metal or metal oxide.
·                        This coating determines the resistance value of the resistor.
·                        If coating is thicker, lower is the resistance value of the resistor.
What is Resistance?
·                        Resistance is the property of the resistor to oppose the current. Let us understand this clearly.
·                        Generally materials are divided as conductors and insulators.
·                        Conductors allows the current to flow through them as they have free electrons.
·                        Insulators do not have electrons and they oppose the free movement of electrons in them. This opposing force is resistance.
·                        Different types of resistors are made with different compositions.
Thus resistance can be defined as the opposition force offered by the material to the current flow.
How do You calculate Resistance?
The mechanism of energy flow through a conductor can be described as follows
In the presence of an active source, the passive elements like resistors will always absorb energy and the currents through them will always flow from higher potential to lower potential.
If the same potential difference is applied between the ends of two different but geometrically similar conductors like rods of copper and of glass, it results in different currents. This characteristic of the conductor that results in different currents is its electrical resistance.
The definition of resistance can be derived from the Ohm’s law in its Electromagnetic theory form or Continuum form
J = σ E —-1
Here σ is the conductivity of the material i.e. conductor.
E is the electric field developed along the length of conductor due to flow of electrical energy through the conductor. If ‘V’ is the voltage drop across the conductor and ‘L’ is the physical length of conductor then
E = V/L —-2
The current density J is resulted within the conductor due to the flow of electrical energy through the conductor. If ‘I’ is the current flowing through the conductor and ‘A’ is the cross sectional area of conductor, then by the definition of current density
J = I/A —-3
Now combining equations 1, 2 and 3
I/A = σ V/L
V = (L/Aσ) I —-4
The term in parenthesis is constant and let us denotes it by ‘R’.
V = R I
This is the Ohm’s law form in circuit analysis.
By the definition of Ohm’s law, the current flowing through a conductor is directly proportional to the potential difference applied.
The proportional constant is called Resistance parameter of the conductor R.
I = V/R
R = V/I
The resistance of a conductor, between its two points is determined, by applying a potential difference V between those two points and measuring the current I .
The unit of resistance is Volts per Ampere and is given the name Ohm (Ω).
1Ω = 1 volt per ampere = 1 V/A.
From earlier calculations
V = (L/Aσ) I
R = L/(A σ) I
σ is the conductivity of the conductor which is the measure of conductor’s ability to conduct electric current.
1/σ is the reciprocal of electrical conductivity called electrical resistivity denoted by the symbol ρ (rho).
Resistivity is the measure of a conductor’s ability to resist the flow of electric current.
Resistance of a material resistivity of the material.
R = ρL/A Ω
Resistance of a conductor can be defined as the conductor’s opposition to the flow of current through it.
Resistance is a property of an object like conductor. Resistivity is a property of a material from which the object is made.
Resistance value of a given resistor can be read from the resistor color code given on it.
What is the Power rating of a Resistor?
Power rating of a resistor is the maximum value of power (combination of voltage and current) a resistor can handle. If the input power of the resistor is greater than this value, resistor may damage. Power rating of a resistor is also called wattage.
Resistors have wide range of power ratings from 1/8th to 1 watt. Resistors with more than 1 watt are called Power resistors.
V-I Characteristics of a Resistor
V-I Characteristics of a resistor are the relation between the applied voltages and the current flowing through it.
From Ohm’s law, we know that when the voltage applied across the resistor increases, the current flowing through it also increases i.e. the voltage applied is directly proportional to current.
The above specifications are valid in case of a pure resistance i.e. ideal resistor and the temperature is constant. In practical conditions, these values may vary depending on the operating environment and the characteristics might be different from the ideal linear values.
Variation of Resistance with Temperature
·                        As the temperature of the surroundings increases the resistance of the material changes.
·                        The reason for this change is not because of the variations in the dimensions of the material but rather the change in the resistivity of the material.
·                        When there is a rise in the temperature, the heat will cause an atomic vibration and these vibrations will cause a collision between the free electrons and the electrons in the inner layers of the atom.
·                        These collisions will use the energy of free electrons. If more collisions take place, more energy of free electron is used and increases the resistance to flow of current. This is the case in conductors.
·                        In case of insulators the resistance decreases with increase in temperature.
·                        The reason is the availability of number of free electrons which are released from its captive stage.
·                        In mathematical terms, a fractional change in resistance is directly proportional to the change in the temperature.
In mathematical terms, a fractional change in resistance is directly proportional to the change in the temperature.
Where ∆R is the small change in resistance
∆R = R – R0
R is resistance at temperature T
R0 is resistance at temperature T0
∆T is change in temperature
∆T = T – T0
If we denote the proportionality constant in the above equation as alpha (α)
Then ∆R/R0 = α∆T
Where α is the temperature coefficient of the resistance.
The temperature coefficient of resistance is used to describe the relative change in resistance in association with change in temperature.
If the change in temperature is small then the above equation can be written as
R = R0 [1+α (T-T0)]
If the resistance increases with increase in temperature, then the material is said to be having a positive temperature coefficient. These materials are conductors.
If the resistance decreases with increase in temperature, then the material is said to be having a negative temperature coefficient. These materials are insulators
Variable Resistors, on the other hand, have a variable resistance that can either be changed manually like in case or Trimmers and Potentiometers or which controlled by external factors like Light Dependent Resistor (LDR) or Thermistor.
Ohm’s Law defines the behavior of a resistor which states that the current through a conductor is directly proportional to the voltage across the conductor. The proportionality constant is called as Resistance.
The mathematical representation of Ohm’s Law is I = V/R.

1.8     Capacitors
The second important passive components is a capacitor, a device that stores energy in the form of electric field. Most capacitors consists of two conducting plates that are separated by a dielectric material.
If Q is the charge on any one of the conductor plates and V is the voltage between them, then the Capacitance C of the Capacitor is C = Q/V.
In electronics circuits, a capacitor is mainly used to block DC Current and allow AC Current. The other applications of capacitors are filters, timing circuits, power supplies and energy storing elements.
There are many types of Capacitors like Polarized, Non – Polarized, Ceramic, Film, Electrolytic, Super Capacitors etc.
What is Capacitor?
Capacitor is also known as condenser. This is one of the passive components like resistor. Capacitor is generally used to store the charge. In capacitor the charge is stored in the form of “electrical field”. Capacitors play a major role in many electrical and electronic circuits.
Generally, a capacitor has two parallel metal plates which are not connected to each other. The two plates in the capacitor are separated by non conducting medium (insulating medium) this medium is commonly known as Dielectric.
There are different types and different shapes of capacitors available, from very small capacitors which are used in resonance circuits to large capacitors for stabilizing HVDC lines. But all capacitors are doing the same work that is storing the electrical charge.
The shape of a capacitor is rectangular, square, circular, cylindrical or spherical shape. Unlike a resistor, an ideal capacitor does not dissipate energy. As the different types of capacitors are available different symbols were available to represent them which are shown below.
Why capacitors are important?
Capacitors have many properties like
1.                    They can store the energy and it can dissipate this energy to the circuit when ever required.
2.                    They can block DC and allow AC to flow through it, and this can couple one part of the circuit with the other.
3.                    Circuits with capacitors depend on the frequency, so can be used to amplify certain frequencies.
4.                    As the capacitors when applied with AC input, the current leads the voltage and thus in power applications it increases the pay load power and makes it more economical.
5.                    It allows high frequencies and so it can be used as a filter either to filter low frequencies or to collect high frequencies.
6.                    As the reactance and frequency of the capacitor are inversely related, this can be used to increase or decrease the circuit impedance at certain frequency and can be used as filter.
Likewise, capacitors exhibit many properties, when used in AC or DC circuits and hence they play important role in electrical and electronic circuits.
Construction of a Capacitor
As said before, there are different types of capacitors. These different types will have different type of construction. A Parallel plate capacitor is the simplest capacitor. Let us understand the construction of this capacitor.
It consists of two metal plate separated by a distance. The space between these two plates is filled with a dielectric material. The two leads of the capacitor are taken from these two plates.
The capacitance of the capacitor depends on the distance between the plates and area of the plates. Capacitance value can be changed by varying any of these parameters.
A variable capacitor can be constructed by making one of these plates fixed and other moving.

Dielectric of a Capacitor
Dielectric acts as an insulating material between the plates . Dielectric can be any non conducting material such as ceramic, waxed paper, mica, plastic or some form of a liquid gel.
Dielectric also plays an important in deciding the value of capacitance. As the dielectric is introduced between the plates of the capacitor, its value increases.
Different dielectric materials will have different dielectric constants, however this value is >1.
Below table gives value of dielectric constant for each dielectric material
Dielectric can be of two types
1.                    Polar dielectrics: These dielectrics will have permanent dielectric movement
2.                    Non Polar dielectrics: These will have temporary dielectric moment. By placing them in a electric field they can be induced with dipole moments.

Complex Permittivity
The product of the relative permittivity (εr) of the dielectric material and permittivity of free space (εo) is known as “Complex permittivity” or “Actual permittivity” of the dielectric material. The expression for the complex permittivity is given as follows,
ε = ε0 * εr
The value of complex permittivity will always be equal to the relative permittivity, because the permittivity of free space is equal to ‘one’. The value of dielectric constant or complex permittivity varies from one dielectric material to another.
Some standard values of complex permittivity (ε) for common dielectric materials are Air = 1.0005, Pure Vacuum = 1.0000, Mica = 5 to 7, Paper = 2.5 to 3.5, Wood = 3 to 8, Glass = 3 to 10 and Metal Oxide Powders = 6 to 20 and etc.
capacitors can be classified according to the properties and characteristics of their insulating or dielectric material, they are given below as
1.                    High Stability & Low Loss Capacitors — Mica, Low-K Ceramic, and Polystyrene capacitors are examples for this type.
2.                    Medium Stability & Medium Loss Capacitors – Paper, Plastic Film, and High-K Ceramic capacitors are examples for this type.
3.                    Polarized Capacitors – Example for this type of capacitors are Electrolytic, Tantalum’s.

As said before capacitor consists of two conductor separated by a dielectric, when there is any potential difference between the two conductors electric potential is developed. This causes the capacitor to charge and discharge.
Let us understand this in a practical way. When the capacitor is connected to a battery (a DC source) , current starts flowing through the circuit.
Thus negative charge is accumulated on one plate and positive charge is accumulated on the other plate. This process continuous until the capacitor voltage reaches supply voltage.
When the charging voltage is equal to the supply voltage capacitor stops charging further even though the battery is connected. When the battery is removed two plates will be accumulated with positive and negative charges. Thus the charge is stored in the capacitor.
But when the supply voltage is from an AC source it charges and discharges continuously The rate of charging and discharging depends on the frequency of the source.
Working can be understood using simple example here. Below circuit shows two switches A and B. When switch 1 is closed, current starts flowing from the battery to the capacitor. When the capacitor voltage reaches the supply voltage, it stops charging further.
Now connect the switch to position B. Now you can observe the LED starts glowing and this slowly fades out as the capacitor is discharging.
Capacitance of the capacitor is given by
C= εA/4πd
C = εo * εr (A/d)
C – Capacitance of the capacitor
A – Area between the plates
D – Distance between the two Plates
εo – Permittivity of free space
εr – Relative permittivity.
K- Dielectric Constant
Capacitance of a Capacitor
Capacitance is the property of the capacitor that defines the maximum amount of electrical charge stored in it. It exists in nature everywhere.
Capacitance may vary depending on the shape of the capacitor. Capacitance can be calculated by using the geometry of the conductors and dielectric material properties. Let us see the capacitance of a parallel plate capacitor.
Capacitance is defined as the ratio of charge (Q) on the either plates to the potential difference(V) between them ,
C =Q/V,
Thus current can be obtained as
This can be expressed Farads (F) which is named after English physicist Michael Faraday.
From the above definition we can observe that capacitance is directly proportional to the charge (Q) and is inversely proportional to the voltage (V).
Capacitance of the capacitor can be increased by increasing the number of plates, which helps to maintain the same size of the capacitor. Here, area of the plates is increased.
Standard units of capacitance
Generally Farads is a high value so, capacitance is expressed as sub units of capacitor real time such as micro farads(uF) , nano farads(nF) and pico farads(PF).
Most of the electrical and electronic applications are covered by the following standard unit (SI) prefixes for easy calculations,
·                        1 mF (milli farad) = 10−3 F = 1000 μF = 1000000 nF
·                        1 μF (microfarad) =10−6 F = 1000 nF = 1000000 pF
·                        1 nF (nano farad) = 10−9 F = 1000 pF
·                        1 pF (picofarad) = 10−12 F
To convert µF to nF or pF or to a wide range of other units and vice versa, we need to use the Electric Capacitance Unit Converter.
Voltage Rating of a Capacitor
This is not voltage until which the capacitor charges but the maximum voltage until which the capacitor can operate safely. This voltage is called as working voltage (WV) or DC working voltage (DC-WV).Below figure shows the voltage rating of the capacitor.
If the capacitor is applied with voltage greater than this voltage, it may be damaged by producing an arc between the plates due to dielectric break down.
While designing the circuits with capacitors, care should be taken such that the voltage rating of the capacitor is greater than the voltage used in the circuit. For example if the circuit operating voltage is 12V then it is necessary to choose a capacitor with voltage rating of 12V or above.
This working voltage of a capacitor depends on the factors like dielectric material used between the capacitor plates, dielectric thickness and also on the type of circuit which is used.
1.9     Inductors
If capacitors store energy in the form of electric field, then inductors are devices that store energy in the form of Magnetic Field. Inductor is nothing but a wire that is wound in the form of a coil.
Inductor is also a passive component and is widely used in AC equipment like filters, chokes, tuned circuits etc.
The core around which the coil is wound i.e. air, iron, ferrite etc. will determine the strength of the magnetic field. Inductors oppose the change in electric current through them and the changes in current will result in induction of voltage. 

Inductor consists of wire wound around a core of ferrite material that includes an air gap. Inductor stores the energy in the form of the magnetic field. Inductor has many electrical properties when subjected to a magnetic field. One of the important property of this inductor is whenever the current flows through the wire it creates the magnetic field around it. If we coil the wire, the magnetic field is stronger. When the electric current flows through the coil the magnetic flux will increase exponentially and stabilize at particular point, then stores the electric energy in the form of magnetic energy. When electric supply stops then the magnetic energy will decreases exponentially and turns back into electrical energy. By this we can say that it will temporally store the energy. The faster the change in the magnetic field the induced emf or voltage will be greater. To know about current and magnetic flux relation let us know Lenz’s Law.
Lenz’s Law
Before going to Lenz’s Law first we have to know about Faraday’s Law of induction. It states that the magnitude of emf induced in the coil is equal to the rate of change of flux that links with the coil. This is equated as below
ᶓ α dΦ/dt
Whereas the product of number of turns in the coil and flux related with the coil gives us the flux linkage.
Lenz’s Law states that an emf is generated by change in magnetic flux as stated in faraday’s law. The polarity of this induced emf is such that it produces a current such that magnetic field opposes the change which produces it.
ԑ = -N (∂ΦB / ∂t)
Where ∂ΦB = change in the magnetic flux
ԑ = induced emf
N = no. of turns
A = Area of the coil
u = permeability of the core.
L = Length of the coil
di/dt = Rate of change of current in the coil.
Working of inductor
When the electric current is flowing in the coil, the coil will build up the magnetic field around it. At the time of building the field , coil inhabits the flow of current and once if the field is build, current can flow normally through the wire. Due to this reason there will be exponential increase in the magnetic flow before reaching the steady state. When the electric current is turned off then the magnetic field around the coil will keep the current flow in the coil until the field collapses. This makes the electric current to decrease exponentially before it reaches its actual state.
When the wire is coiled as a series of continuous loops , it is called as solenoid. In this type , the magnetic field strength will increase or decrease with the increasing and decreasing currents respectively. It is similar to effect of bar magnet but with the variable field strength.

Inductor Symbols
The symbol of Air core
The symbol for Iron core
The symbol for Ferrite core
The symbol for Variable core
Inductance of Inductor
Inductance is the property of an Inductor .The current generated in the inductor due to magnetic field is proportional to the rate of change of magnetic field is called as inductance. Higher the inductance value, more the inductor will resists from the sudden changes in the current.
Inductance is given by  L = µN2A / l
L – Inductance of the coil.
µ – Permeability of the core.
N-Number of turns in the coil
A-Area of the coil.
l -Length of the inductor.
A change in the current causes change in the voltage in that circuit due to the magnetic flux generated by the current flow. Simply inductance within the coil gives us self-inductance. Chokes are best example for self-inductance effect.
A change in the current in one circuit causes the change in voltage of next circuit .The linkage of magnetic field between both circuits leads to mutual inductance. Transformers are best example for mutual inductance effect.
Inductors in series
When ‘n’ number of inductors are connected in series the total inductance value is the sum of all the individual inductances.
L total = L1+L2+… +Ln
Inductors in parallel
When ‘n’ numbers of inductors are connected in parallel the total inductance value is the low and is equated as follows
L total = 1/ ((1/L1) + (1/L2) +..+ (1/Ln))
If we observe these two equations these are very similar to the resistors connected in series and parallel.
Inductance Units
The SI unit of inductance is Henry. It is named after the American physicist Joseph Henry. This is denoted by ‘H’.
One Henry is nothing but the rate of change of current in a circuit is one ampere per second , then the resultant emf is one volt. This is equated as
H= (V.s)/A = Wb/A.
Where V = Volts, s = second, Wb = Weber, and A = Ampere.
1mH = 1 milli-Henry = 10-3  H
1μH = 1 micro-Henry = 10-6 H
1nH = 1 nano-Henry = 10-9 H
1. Material of the core
One of the important factors that affect the inductance value is permeability. If the magnetic permeability of the core is more the inductance is more and if this permeability of the core is less, the inductance is also less. Because a core with higher permeability will generate greater amount of magnetic flux for any given amount of field force.

2. Number of turns of the inductor
If the number of turns of the inductor increases, inductance also increases. Because for any given amount of current , the amount of generated magnetic flux is always greater , if the inductor consists of more number of turns.
3. Length of the coil
If the coil length increases the inductance decreases. If the length is decreased, inductance is increased. For any amount of given current, for longer length of coil the generated magnetic flux results in more opposition to the generation of that flux.
4. Area of the coil
By taking the cross-sectional area of the coil, if the area increases the inductance increases and if the area decreases, value of the inductance will comparatively decreases. As the area increases more flux is induced and inductance is more.
The inductance value can also be affected by the external effects caused by the other wires and components which are near by the inductor, once it is assembled in the circuit. For accurate inductance value the approximated inductance value has to be calculated.
Let us consider a solenoid wound with a single layer of turns with some diameter of the wire and the turns are placed evenly then the typical formula for approximating the inductance value is given as follows.
L = (d2n2)/(l + 0.45d)
d = diameter of the coil in meters.
n = no. of turns in the coil.
L = inductance in henry.
l = length of the wire in meters.

Current, Voltage and power calculation
The voltage in an inductor will depends on the rate of change of current through the inductor. Whenever the change is created that initial change is opposed by the induced emf. The emf induced in the coil will be same but the voltage will acts like a source with increasing current and voltage will acts like a load with decreasing current.
The work done by the source in order to remain the current flowing through the coil against the induce emf is power. It is given as
P = d/dt (½ (L x I2)).
The magnetic field density B (t) which is measured in tesla is equal to the magnetic field strength H (t), multiplied by the magnetic core permeability  ‘μ’ .
This is given as
B (t) = μ x H (t).
The magnetic flux which is measured in webers, equal to magnetic flux density B (t), multiplied by the cross-sectional area of the core ‘Ac’.
This is given as
Φ(t) = Ac x B (t).
The energy stored in an inductor is equal to the amount of work done to establish the current flow through the inductor and to generate magnetic flux.
This given as
E = ½ (L x I2)
L = Inductance,
I = current flow through the inductor and
E = Energy stored.
Let us consider the following circuit with current flowing through the coil is 5 A.
If the switch is opened for 15 milli-sec then the emf induced in the coil is given as
VL = L di/dt = 0.5 (5/0.015) = 166 volts
Quality Factor
Since the inductors are formed by the electrically conductive metal wire , they will have a series resistance. This series resistance will generate heat by converting the electric current flowing through the coil. Due to this heat the sensitivity of the inductor decreases. Thus the quality factor is nothing but the ratio of the inductance to the resistance. This is given as
Q = ω L/R
Q = quality factor
ω = angular frequency (Hz)
L = inductance (H)
R = resistance (Ω)
Back EMF generated in an inductor: The EMF produced in the inductor will depend on the source currents that are either the current is AC or DC.
The self-induced emf VL = – L di/dt is applicable only for the AC current because there will be rate of change of current that is di/dt is not equal to zero. If the flow of the inductor current is constant, that is at DC current the di/dt is zero. At this stage the inductor acts like a piece of wire.
Time constant of an inductor: Let us consider the circuit as shown below with an inductor and an open switch.
Since the switch is open there will be no flow of current in the circuit. Thus the rate of change of current di/dt is zero at this condition. We know that when di/dt is zero there is no self-induced emf in the circuit.
When we close the switch the current will flow through the circuit and slowly rise to its maximum value at the rate determined by the inductance of the inductor. The rate of current which flows through the inductor multiplied by the inductance gives us VL. Thus there will be self-induced emf (VL) in the circuit and this value depends on the inductance value of the inductor in the circuit VL= L di/dt .This VL will fights against the applied voltage until the current reaches its maximum value and reaches the steady state. At this stage only the coils D.C resistance will exists to oppose the current flow. Because in DC inductor the variation of current take place only during the transition state that is from zero to maximum and maximum to zero. Since DC is zero frequency component there is no reactance offered by the circuit in steady state condition.
Again when the switch is opened the current flowing through the circuit will fall , but the inductor again will fight against this change and try to keep the current flowing at its previous value by inducing the voltage in the other direction.
Inductor Applications
1.                   Inductor with inductances in the nano-henry range , will only filter out very high frequencies i.e., above 100 MHz so these are mainly used in radio frequency circuits like old boom box in 1980s.
2.                   Inductors in micro-henry range will filter out the frequencies about 50 KHz to few MHz These are typically used in D.C. power supplies to smooth out the voltage.
3.                   Inductors in milli-Henry range are very effective and these are used in audio crossover circuits to separate low and high frequency sounds.
4.                   Inductor ideally acts like a low pass filter since the impedance of an inductor increases as the frequency of a signal increases.
5.                   Since inductor will sense the magnetic fields from a distance these are used in inductive sensors. These inductive sensors are used in traffic signalling to detect the amount of traffic.
6.                   By combining two inductors which have a shared magnetic field will acts like the transformer. These inductive based transformers are applicable only at lower frequencies.
7.                   In fixed speed applications inductive motors are used.

1.10   Power Sources
DC Power Supply
Bench Power Supply is an important piece of equipment when it comes to working around electronic circuits. Electronic components majorly work on DC Power Supply and hence having a reliable source of DC Power Supply is very important.
There are many types of Power Supplies like AC – to – DC Power Supplies, Linear Regulators, Switching Mode Power Supply, etc.
An alternative to bench power supply is to use a wall adapter as per the project requirement like 5V or 12V.
1.11   Batteries
Battery is a device that converts chemical energy in to electrical energy and provides power to devices like mobile phones, laptops, flashlights, etc. In electronics, we often use batteries to power our circuits, either to make the circuit portable or just to test the functionality of the circuit.
Batteries come in different sizes and voltage. Batteries are also classified as Primary and Secondary. You can use Primary Batteries until they are drained out and discard them later. In case of Secondary Batteries, you can use them even after they are drained out by recharging them.
In electronic circuits, we often use 1.5V AA Batteries or 9V PP3 Batteries.

1.12   Display Devices
16 x 2 LCD         
The most commonly used display module in electronic circuits is an LCD Display and in particular, a 16 x 2 LCD Display. It is an alpha – numeric display with two rows and 16 columns and can display a maximum of 32 characters.

1.13   7 – segment display
Another common display module is the Seven Segment Display. It can be used to display decimal numerals in different electronic devices like clocks, meters, calculators, public information systems, etc.
Seven segment display is the most common device used for displaying digits and alphabet. One can see a device in TV shows counting down to ‘0’, these are nothing but seven segments. Use of LEDs in seven segment displays made it more popular.
The binary information can be displayed in the form of decimal using this seven segment display. Its wide range of applications is in microwave ovens, calculators, washing machines, radios, digital clocks etc.
The seven segment displays are made up of either LEDs (Light emitting diode) or LCDs (Liquid crystal display). LED or light emitting diode is P-N junction diode which emits the energy in the form of light, differing from normal P-N junction diode which emits in the form of heat.
Liquid crystal displays (LCD) use the properties of liquid crystal for displaying. LCD will not emit the light directly .These LED’s or LCD are used to display the required numeral or alphabet. Single seven segment or number of segments arranged in an order meets our requirements.
History of Seven Segment Displays
The seven segment display dates back to century old. In the year 1908 F.W. Wood invented eight segment displays which displays the digit ‘4’ by using diagonal bar. After that in 1910 seven segment display is invented and is illuminated using incandescent bulbs .They are used in electric power plants but has gained no much reputation.
Later in 1970’s, with the advent of LEDs usage of seven segment displays increased to a large extent.
Pin Diagram Seven of Segment Display

Generally seven segment displays are available in 10 pin package. The pin diagram of seven segment display is shown in the above figure. Seven segment display is an electronic circuit consisting of 10 pins.
Out of 10 pins 8 are LED pins and these are left freely. 2 pins in middle are common pins and these are internally shorted. Depending on either the common pin is cathode or anode seven segment displays can be either named as common cathode or common anode display respectively.
These are available from different vendors .They have shape of rectangular box similar to that of IC but in large size.
Top and Bottom View of Seven Segment Display
From top view 8 segments can be seen (7 display segments and one decimal point) in the form of numeral ‘8’.
Here, the 7 LED’s called segments are assigned with   an alphabet from A to G. Forward biasing the particular segment or LED will emit the light energy thus illuminating a part of numeral. There is another segment assigned as H, used for displaying dot.
The decimal or dot point is used for representing the decimal point in a numeral. For example to display 2.5, dot is used to represent the decimal point in this numeral.
Generally, in LED package either all the cathodes or all anodes of the segments are combined to form a common pin. Thus each seven segment display will have seven pins used for displaying the digits, one common pin and another pin for decimal/dot point
Bottom view of the seven segment display is shown below.  The bottom view of the segment shows 10 pins of the segment. These are cathode or anode pins of the LEDs present in the seven segment. Seven segment is illuminated using these pins.
Internal Structure of Seven Segment Display
The internal structure of display is very hard. Internally, the device will have SMD LEDs. This can be divided into two parts i.e. internal circuit and the display. The internal circuit will have LEDs arranged in the rectangular form. These two parts are surrounded by glass, ceramics and plastic in order to protect them.
Working of Seven Segment Display
Seven segment display works, by glowing the required respective LEDS in the numeral. The display is controlled using pins that are left freely. Forward biasing of these pins in a sequence will display the particular numeral or alphabet. Depending on the type of seven segment the segment pins are applied with logic high or logic zero and in the similar way to the common pins also.
For example to display numeral ‘1’ segments b and c are to be switched on and the remaining segments are required to be switched off. In order to display two digits two seven segments are used.
Depending on either the common pin is anode or cathode, seven segments are divided into following types.
Types of Seven Segment Displays
The following are the types of seven segments.
·                        Common Anode (CA)
·                        Common Cathode (CC)
1. Common Anode Seven Segment Display
In common anode type, all the anodes of 8 LED’s are connected to the common terminal and cathodes are left free. Thus, in order to glow the LED, these cathodes have to be connected to the logic ‘0’ and anode to the logic ‘1’.
Below truth table gives the information required for driving the common anode seven segments.
In order to display zero on this segment one should enable logic high on a, b, c, d, e and f segments and logic low on segment ‘g’. Thus, the above table provides data on seven segments for displaying numerals from 0-9.
2. Common Cathode Seven Segment Display
As the name indicates cathode is the common pin for this type of seven segments and remaining 8 pins are left free. Here, logic low is applied to the common pin and logic high to the remaining pins.
Truth Table: The truth table of seven segment display is shown below.
Above truth table shows the data to be applied to the seven segments to display the digits. In order to display digit‘0’ on seven segment , segments a , b , c , d , e and f are applied with logic high and segment g is applied with logic low.
Driving a Seven Segment Display
A seven segment display can be driven using resistors, transistors and IC’s. But mostly the driving is done by the integrated circuits because of their ease co-operation.
Necessity for Driving Seven Segments
Seven segment devices are generally made up of LEDs. These LEDs will glow when they are forward biased. Intensity of the LEDs depends on forward current. So, sufficient forward current has to be provided to these LEDs to glow with full intensity. This is provided by the driver and is applied to the seven segments. The following methods are practiced to drive the seven segments.
Driving a Seven Segment Display with Resistor
Driving a seven segment using resistor is the most common method. In this, generally we use the resistor as the driving element. Generally, LED requires 20 milli Amps of current. Current more than this value may damage the LED. To limit this current a resistor is used .This is called current limiting resistor. Circuit is as shown below.
Segment pins of the seven segment are connected using a resistor and a switch. The 8 switches are connected to the 8 current limiting resistors and they are connected to a to g segments of display. Let us see how this circuit drives the digital display.
To glow the segment ‘a’, close the switch ‘a’. The current passes through resistor and some drop occurs at current limiting resistor. Thus, the sufficient current passes to the LED. Suppose to display digit 7 switches a, b, c are closed. But the disadvantage here is, illuminating all the LEDs at a time reduces the current.

Driving a Seven Segment Display with Transistor
Another way of driving the seven segments is through transistor. In this, transistor is used for amplifying the input current. The collector of the transistor is connected to the common pin of the seven segment, emitter is connected to the ground and base is connected Vcc. The transistor connected to the common pin amplifies the current in the seven segment.
Driving a Seven Segment Display with Integrated Circuit
Another way of driving the seven segments is through integrated circuits. This is generally called as seven segment driver or decoder. The most frequently used decoder is 4511. This is a CMOS chip which converts 4 bit binary coded decimal to 8 bit seven segment data. CMOS seven segment decoder connected to the seven segments is shown below.
The above figure shows driving of a seven segment display using BCD to seven segment decoder. Here we have to give BCD data as input to display digits 0 to 9. For example, to display the digit 7 the input to be applied is 0111.
The decoder decodes the applied BCD input and sends the appropriate output to the segments. The decoder outputs are connected to the seven segment inputs through the resistors. These resistors are used to limit the current.
Seven Segment Display Applications:
·                        The applications of seven segments are mostly in digital calculators, electronic meters, digital clocks, odometers, digital clocks, clock radios, etc.
·                        Today most of the 7 segment applications are using LCDs, because of low current consumption.

Basic Test and Measurement Equipment
When it comes to designing electronic circuits, testing and measuring various parameters like current, voltage, frequency, resistance, capacitance, etc. is very important. Hence, the Test and Measurement Equipment like Oscilloscopes, Multimeters, Logic Analyzers, Function Generators (or Signal Generators) are often used regularly.
2.0     Oscilloscope
The most reliable Test Equipment for observing continuously varying signals is an Oscilloscope. With the help of an Oscilloscope, we can observe the changes in an electrical signal like voltage, over time.
Oscilloscopes are used in a wide range of field like Medical, Electronic, Automobile, Industrial and Telecommunication Applications.
Originally, Oscilloscopes are made up of Cathode Ray Tube (CRT) displays but nowadays, almost all Oscilloscopes are Digital Oscilloscopes with advanced features like storage and memory.
2.1     Multimeter
A multimeter is a combination of Voltmeter, Ammeter and Ohmmeter. They provide an easy way to measure different parameters of an electronic circuit like current, voltage etc.
Multimeters can measure values in both AC and DC. Earliest Multimeters are Analog and consists of a pointing needle. Modern Multimeters are Digital and are often called as Digital Multimeters or DMMs.
DMMs are available as handheld devices as well as bench devices. A Multimeter can be very handy in finding basic faults in a circuit.
2.2     Function Generator or Signal Generator
A Signal Generator, as the name suggests, generates a variety of signals for testing and troubleshooting electronic circuits. The most common types of signals are Triangular Wave, Sine Wave, Square Wave and Sawtooth Wave.

Along with a bench power supply and oscilloscope, a function generator is also an important piece of equipment when designing electronic circuits.
In this article, we have seen few Basic Electronic Components and Test Equipment that we come across very frequently when designing or testing electronic circuits.
There are a lot more components like Transformers, Buttons, Switches, Connectors, etc. which we can explore as we move forward with a project.


A transformer uses the principles of electromagnetism to change one A.C. voltage level to another. Faraday's work in the 19th century showed that a changing current in a conductor (e.g. a transformer primary winding) sets up a changing magnetic field around the conductor. If another conductor (secondary winding) is placed within this changing magnetic field a voltage will be induced into that winding.


Turns Ratio.

Faraday also calculated that the voltage induced into the secondary winding would have a magnitude that depends on the TURNS RATIO of the transformer. i.e. If the secondary winding has half the number of turns of the primary winding, then the secondary voltage will be half the voltage across the primary winding. Likewise, if the secondary winding has twice the number of turns of the primary winding, the secondary voltage will be double the primary voltage.


Power ratio.

Because the transformer is a passive component, (it has no external power supply) it cannot produce more power out from its secondary than is applied to its primary. Therefore if the secondary voltage is greater than the primary voltage by a particular amount, the secondary current will be smaller than the primary current by a similar amount, i.e. If the voltage is doubled the current will be halved.

Fig 11.1.1 Basic Transformer Operation.

Transformation Ratio.

Basic Transformer operation can be described by two formulae relating the transformation ratio to the turns ratio of the transformer windings.
·                     VP = the primary voltage.
·                     IP = the primary current.
·                     VS = the secondary voltage.
·                     IS = the secondary current.
·                     NP = the number of turns in the primary winding.
·                     NS = the number of turns in the secondary winding.

Transformer Losses.

The formulae in Fig. 11.1.1 relate to an ideal transformer, i.e. a transformer with no power losses, in which, Primary volt amperes = Secondary volt amperes. While practical transformers can be extremely efficient, some losses will occur because not all of the magnetic flux produced by the primary winding will link with the secondary winding. The power losses that occur in a transformer are of three types;

Copper Losses.

These losses can also be called winding losses or I2R losses, because they can occur in windings made from metals other than copper. The losses become evident as heat, generated in the (copper) wire windings as they dissipate power due to the resistance of the wire. The power loss in a transformer winding can be calculated by using the current in the winding and its resistance, in formula for power, P = I2R. This formula is the reason copper losses are sometimes called I2R losses. To minimize the losses the resistance of the winding must be kept low, using wire of suitable cross sectional area and low resistivity.

Hysteresis losses.

Each time the alternating current reverses (once each cycle), tiny "magnetic domains" within the core material are reversed. These are physical changes within the core material and take up some energy. The amount of energy used depends on the "reluctance" of the core material; in large cores of power transformers where hysteresis loss maybe a problem it is largely overcome by using special low reluctance "grain oriented" steel as the core material.

Eddy Current losses.

Because the iron or steel core is an electrical conductor as well as a magnetic circuit, the changing current in the primary will tend to set up an EMF within the core as well as in the secondary winding. The currents induced into the core will oppose the changes of magnetic field taking place in the core. For this reason these eddy currents must be kept as small as possible. This is achieved by dividing the metal core into thin sheets or "laminations" each one insulated from the others by an insulating coat of lacquer or oxide. Laminated cores greatly reduce the formation of eddy currents without affecting the magnetic properties of the core.


Ferrite Cores.

In high frequency transformers eddy current losses are reduced by using a core made of a ceramic material containing a large proportion of tiny metal particles, iron dust or manganese zinc. The ceramic insulates the metal particles from each other, giving a similar effect to laminations, and performing better at high frequencies. Due to the ways of reducing losses described above, practical transformers closely approach the ideal in performance. In large power transformers, efficiencies of about 98% can be achieved. Therefore for most practical calculations, it can be assumed that a transformer is "Ideal" unless its losses are specified. The actual secondary voltages in a practical transformer will be only slightly less than those calculated using the theoretical transformation ratio.


Off Load Current.

Because the action of a transformer is nearly perfect, the power in both primary and secondary windings is the same, so when no load is put on the secondary, no secondary current flows and the power in the secondary is zero (V x I = 0). Therefore, although a voltage is applied to the primary no current will flow, as the power in the primary must also be zero. In practical transformers the "Off Load Current" in the primary is actually very low.

Volts per Turn.

A transformer with a primary winding of 1000 turns and a secondary winding of 100 turns has a turn’s ratio of 1000:100 or 10:1. Therefore 100 volts applied to the primary will produce a secondary voltage of 10 volts. Another way to consider transformer voltages is by volts/turn; if the 100 volts applied to the 1000 turn primary produces 100/1000 = 0.1 volts per turn, then each single turn on the 100 turn secondary winding will produce 0.1V so the total secondary voltage will be 100 × 0.1V = 10V. The same method can be used to find the values of voltage appearing across individual tapping’s of an autotransformer when the number of turns per tapping is known. Simply divide the total voltage across the whole winding by the total number of turns, and multiply this result by the number of turns in the particular tapping.


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