many applications data collected from multiple sensors is transmitted
to PC for display or further analysis. The conversion of data from
analog to digital form is done using an ADC. The digital data from the
ADC is transferred to the computer using serial port. This circuit
demonstrates the principle and operation of interfacing an ADC0808 with serial port of PC using the microcontroller AT89C51.
The circuit is divided into three parts: ADC, controller and serial
port. This circuit can be used as an intermediate circuit in many
which is an 8-bit resolution ADC has eight input channels i.e., it can
take a maximum of eight analog inputs. The circuit uses the first analog
input pin to take the analog input signals from the preset.
provide clock input to the ADC, Timer0 is used in interrupt enabled
mode to generate a clock of frequency 500 KHz. To enable the Timer0 in
interrupt enable mode, the register IE is loaded with the value 0x82.
Every time the timer completes the counting, pin P1.2 toggles its state.
(Refer interfacing ADC0808 using clock from AT89C51).
output pins of ADC are connected to the port P0 of the controller. The
pin10 of the ADC is connected to pin8 (P1.7) of the controller for clock
input. ALE, pin 22 of the ADC is connected to pin 1 (P1.0) of
controller. OE, pin9 of the ADC is connected to pin 4 (P1.3) of
controller. SC, pin6 of the ADC is connected to pin 2 (P1.1) of the
controller. EOC, pin7 is connected to pin 3 (P1.2) of controller.
Selector pins A (25), B (24) and C (24) of ADC are connected to the pins
4, 5 and 6 of the controller respectively.
port P0 is continuously scanned and the output of the ADC is
transmitted via serial port. The value of the port P0 is loaded in the
SBUF register and sent via TxD (pin11) of the controller. Hyper Terminal
shows character corresponding to the ASCII values 0-255 (Refer serial port interfacing with AT89C51 for hyper terminal settings).
// Program to read ADC 0808. The output pins are connected to serial port. Controller interrupt is used to generate the clock for driving the ADC 0808. #include<reg51.h> sbit ale=P1^0; //address latch enable sbit oe=P1^3; //output enable sbit sc=P1^1; //start conversion sbit eoc=P1^2; //end of conversion sbit clk=P1^7; // clock sbit ADD_A=P1^4; // Address pins for selecting input channels. sbit ADD_B=P1^5; sbit ADD_C=P1^6; sfr input_port=0x80;//P0 port void transmit() //serial port transmission { SBUF=input_port; while(TI==0); TI=0; } void timer0() interrupt 1 // Function to generate clock of frequency 500KHZ using Timer 0 interrupt. { clk=~clk; } void delay(unsigned int count) // Function to provide time delay in msec. { int i,j; for(i=0;i<count;i++) for(j=0;j<1275;j++); } void main() { eoc=1; input_port=0xFF; ale=0; oe=0; sc=0; TMOD=0x22; //timer0 setting for generating clock of 500KHz using interrupt enable mode. TH0=0xFD; IE=0x82; TR0=1; TH1=0xFD; //timer1 setting for serial communication SCON=0x50; TR1=1; while(1) { ADD_C=0; // Selecting input channel 2 using address lines ADD_B=0; ADD_A=1; delay(2); ale=1; delay(2); sc=1; delay(1); ale=0; delay(1); sc=0; while(eoc==1); while(eoc==0); oe=1; transmit(); delay(2); oe=0; } }
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