Design and Construction of Inverter System

An inverter is an electronic device that converts direct current (DC­) to alternating current (AC) the converted Ac can be at any required voltage and frequency with the use of appropriate transformers, switching and control circuit. Its simple put, is an electronic box that makes household electricity for everyday items. It converts power from eg car batteries, windmills, solar panels or fuel cells, and then turns it into normal household power. That is, supply AC power from DC source. Solid state inverters have no moving parts and are used in a wide range of applications, from small switching power supplies in computers, to large electric utility high voltage direct current applications that transport bulk power. The Inverter performs the opposite function at a rectifier. There is one more thing you need to be very careful about that is, do you want clean or dirty electricity? What I mean here is that there are two types of electricity that inverters can produce. Pure sine wave Inverters and Modified sine wave Inverters. The difference is that pure sine wave matches the power to that of which you get from you electricity supplier, its clean and you can run any appliances safely even sensitive equipment. Modified sine wave is dirty power; you can use this to power a lot of things that don’t have sensitive electronics. Kettle for example fridges, cookers, hot plates etc. You cannot run led lighting on these Inverters as they over head and die within a couple of hours. You have to be careful with some TVs PCs as they don’t like it either, but I have heard that lot of people use them for this with no problems, but I like to be safe, rather than sorry.


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